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Sometimes it's a moment, not a trip

I often share about my travels through Indiana, wandering the highways and byways, the main roads and the gravel roads. I find great joy in the wandering. I do take a lot of pictures. But the intention of every trip may not be to wander but just getting from one specific place to another. That doesn't mean that I have to travel the main routes, and as you can imagine, I don't. Yet, I always try to be curious about where I am and what I am passing through.

My mother was especially good as teaching us to take a moment, even briefly to notice. Whether it was sunrise or sunset, or what melodies the song birds were singing or the starlings squawking. What flowers were blooming in the woods or along a stream. At our house I see cardinals, blue jays, and robins. I hear the call of hawk that lives high in a tree one street over. Squirrels scamper back and forth across the board fence surrounding our back yard or climb up the oak and basswood in front or the silver maples and sweet gum in back.

Instead of a trip, I offer a few pictures of single moments captured while driving. These sights are not part of a trip but rather my endless journey as a wanderer.

Left to right: Winter sunrise in Hamilton County, Green grass and red cattle in Jasper County, Wrought iron bridge in Brown County, Sun reflecting on farm buildings with storm clouds brewing in Clinton County, Summer sunset on the prairie in Clinton County.

Left to right: Traditional windmill bring water from the earth in Boone County, Reddish barn standing watch on SR 26 in Howard County, Concrete posts grading on old Howard County farmstead entry, Spring rising to create Little Potato Creek in Clinton County, Majestic catalpa tree (our childhood climbing tree) on our family farm in Clinton County.


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